Really, people???

August 05, 2010 1 Comments A+ a-

After landing yesterday, a United Airlines 767 coming from London (LHR) was evacuated at Chicago's O'Hare (ORD).  There was a fire in the landing gear of the plane after it landed.  The Flight Attendants deployed the slides and evacuated almost everyone--at some point, the fire was extinguished and it was no longer necessary to continue the evacuation.

So, here's a short cell phone video.  And, notice the people bringing their stuff out with them.  Really, people?<rolleyes>


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August 12, 2010 at 4:17 PM delete

Obviously none of these people pay attention. I would grab my medication, but that's it, I keep it in a bag together in my purse, so it's quick and easy to get to. An asthma attack would be the last thing I would need if having to evacuate.
