The Baby Prince has arrived!

September 15, 2011 0 Comments A+ a-

8 pounds, 12 ounces, 20 inches long, Camdyn arrived on Monday.  Mother and son are doing just fine!

Some of these pictures were taken by Jason Williams at Elite Photography.  They are published with his permission but I have to add the caveat that it is to illegal copy or distribute the photos without his permission.  The offense is punishable with a long flight in a middle seat next to two Gabbing Grandmas with 5000 photos of their grandchildren. Each.  And long, boring stories to go with each photo.  While on an extended tarmac delay.  With a broken lav.

Forwarned is forearmed, right?

 The Little Prince taking his first look
at his new brother, Camdyn

The Baby Prince

Mommy and Camdyn

Daddy and Camdyn
Brendyn and Camdyn

"No more pictures!  Can't a baby
get some sleep around here?"

Thanks for letting me brag a little!
