Winefest Weekend in Charlotte
"Weekend in Charlotte I" was off to a slow start last Friday. Up at 5 a.m. for an 8:30 departure to Charlotte, I settled into my seat on the plane for the 59 minute flight. We taxied out towards the runway and the Captain came on the PA and told us that there was a 10 minute ATC (Air Traffic Control) delay. No problemo--I was not on a time schedule and just got comfy for a few zzzzzzs.An hour and forty minutes later, the Captain finally makes another announcement. There is a fuel imbalance, and he's been working the problem, and he's sorry he didn't update us sooner but he had been really busy....(riii-igghht! Take 20 seconds and let us know what 's going on next time, Captain!)
Fuel tanks are in the wings of the airplane--so a fuel imbalance is a big deal. The young woman sitting behind me was using her cell phone. She said to the person she was on the phone with (I'm not making any of this up!) that the plane was "out of gas, and the Captain had to put it in neutral and roll back to the gate." (rolling my eyes)
We arrived in CLT 3 hours late, and I checked into the hotel. We had reserved a two-bedroom suite and the hotel had oversold it. They ended up dropping the room rate significantly, and giving us two adjoining rooms--which was even better. Two women sharing a bathroom = t-r-o-u-b-l-e!
Shelby had to work later than originally planned, so I took a nap waiting for her to make the drive from Columbia, SC. I was awakened by some idiot "woo-hooing" outside my room. Well, that idiot was MY idiot--Shel had arrived and woke me up in style!
She started the weekend right--with presents!!
She brought me these cat ornaments--they are darling and I love them!!
And these tile magnets she found in Spain...or Portugal, she couldn't remember!
In our normal fashion, we poured ourselves a glass of wine. Nice, normal sized glasses, right?? Nope!!
These are what we call "Shelby glasses" Really big 'uns! Gives new meaning to "I only had one glass of wine"
After our Happy Hour, we went across the street and had a nice dinner.
Next morning, we had a quick breakfast and the headed to the Concord Mills of those "outlet" malls. (I don't know how "outlet-y" these places really are--it is really just a big mall with a lot of stores in it.)
We shopped and got silly...
We were both relieved that the muu-muu was too big....
Lunch break...mine was in an itty bitty glass, and her beer was in a "Shelby glass!"
It has jets of water that you can adjust, sort of like a horizontal Shower Massage.
It was okay--I'm glad I tried it, but doubt I'd do it again.
After that, we headed over to Chili's for...well, you know...
More shopping--we looked at a lot of stuff--tried on a lot of clothes--and didn't buy very much. In fact, Shel noticed that while the mall was very crowded, not many people had shopping bags in their hands! We did manage to both buy the exact same LBD (little black dress) from Ann Taylor that was on sale and looks fabulous on us!
We walked across the parking lot for a very late dinner--it was 9:30 when we got there!
Then we stayed up till the wee hours of the morning, yakking, watching the Sex and the City movie, and yes, having wine!
The next morning...okay, I'm lying...the next afternoon, we had a very late breakfast at Cracker Barrel (and made a new friend while we we
re there, Brady, our waiter! Hee-ey!)
And I found out people eat grits with sugar in 'em! I was shocked! Both Shelby and Brady eat them with sugar. I thought the only way to eat grits was with butter, salt and pepper. And maybe cheese. But, sugar? That was new to me!
A quick shop at BJ's Wholesale Club and Shel was off for home. I had already looked at the flights for that day, and unless I wanted to take the 6:00 a.m. flight, I wasn't going home until Monday. And that was no problem!
Heading back to the hotel, I received a text message from my friend Steve, a Captain at American Eagle. When I found out he was also in CLT for his layover, I was happy to meet him for dinner--he lives in St. Louis and we never see each other anymore--only talk on the phone! So, it was a really nice way to top off the weekend!
With all the shopping, eating, and hotel spending we did, it should have gotten the economy in Charlotte jump started. Of course, we'll do it again soon. We have to--it's our civic duty as Americans!

9 What's YOUR view? Click here to comment, please!
Write What's YOUR view? Click here to comment, please!hey blondie,
Replywhat handsome captains you have at American Eagle ;-)...
nothing better than a "girl's weekend", well, maybe the "girl's week" i had in Toronto last week lol
all the best from Austria!
Claudia--I passed your sweet comments on to my friend Steve--you made his day!! You can't tease about your girl's week in YYZ--you have to spill!! Talk, sister, talk!!
ReplyI think next time Nett we meet with Claudia, She is as adventuresome as you and I, If not more!!!
Replyok, ok - i talk!
Replyin YYZ i had:
-tons of shopping
-loads of delicious food
- a trip to the Niagara-falls
- a Lenny Kravitz-concert
- cocktails
- Karaoke
I had to swear a blood-oath to my BFE who was there with me not to tell anything else that happend (it included ice-hockey-players ;-))
but now- back to work. it just started snowing, my check-in time tomorrow is 5am...i think you can guess the rest...
lots of love,
Guuuuuu-urllll! Ice hockey players?? My imagination doesn't ned to roam far, I'm sure! Shelby says you should join us on our next girl's weekend!! And, I agree!
Replyoh how sweet of you, i'm flattered! i just blushed in front of my notebook!
Replyjust in case you are back at work in December:
request Munich or Frankfurt, take Shelby with you, and i take both of you to Nuremberg and his world famous christmas fair. bratwurst and glühwein? ;-)
Okay, but only if we can all have Hockey Players!!!!!!!!
ReplyWho needs to be back at work to go to FRA or MUC??? Not me!! But, Shelby will be in, get this Australia and New Zealand on a cruise. But, you keep talking like that and I'll bet she'll cancel it!!
ReplyI'll go for a good anywhere for a good glühwein...Instead, I will toast you both with a glass of Aussie Wine!!!