My 2 day "tour" of America via Facebook
After some time off, it's was back on Reserve for me this past Saturday. Good for three days, and having not flown yet in January, I knew I was going to be called out for an early morning sign-in. And the Crew desk delivered--they were so kind to call me at 2:40 in the morning to give me my assignment. Beautiful.Saturday:
Washington - Chicago
Chicago - Denver
Denver - Phoenix
Denver - Chicago
Chicago - Washington
(Pictures are from my cell phone, so I apologize for the quality.) Here is my trip through my Facebook posts:
Blondie Back to the dog and pony show. Today, 15 hr layover in Phoenix via Chicago and Denver. Tomorrow, the reverse. Holiday weekend-hope all the peeps are happy!
Blondie Y'all buckle up-we're fixin' to leave! Chicago-Denver now departing.
Blondie Quiet in the Denver Crew Lounge....think I'll take a nap!
Blondie Pretty schwanky hotel they have us in here!
Blondie Time to make the doughnuts. Today, Phoenix-Denver-Chicago-Washington.
Blondie Welcome aboard, y'all!
Rich We will be in Washington DC April 10-11. Bid around so we can get together for dinner and you can meet Miss Alex.
Blondie Bloodied stumps! That's all that's left of my legs today! Chicago to Washington ready to depart!
Yesterday at 7:23pm via Text Message · ·
Blondie On the employee shuttle to the parking lot. 50 minutes to the La-Z-Boy recliner and yoga toes!