SkyMall Travel Pillow

January 15, 2010 2 Comments A+ a-


Have you seen this ad in the SkyMall magazine? Have you ever seen anyone using the Travel Pillow?  I haven't.  It actually looks like it would be a good thing.  But, your cool factor would definitely go down.  Or, maybe it would go up--since you may be the only one on the flight that got some sleep--and that's cool!

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January 19, 2010 at 2:31 PM delete

I hate to break it to you, but I would TOTALLY use this thing. I've done this on the seat in front of me before (when that seat was empty) because it's actually more comfortable to lean forward and rest than try to sit up straight and crick the neck back. The only problem is transport.

January 20, 2010 at 12:19 PM delete

Amy--I see more flexible people (read: young adults) who are able to lay their heads down on the tray table and get some sleep all the time. This SkyPillow looks like it would make it more comfortable, for sure.

Me? I just lean back and fall asleep with my mouth open. Isn't that pretty?? lol!
