Reserve days
We're back from our cruise, rested and relaxed. Tomorrow I start 6 days of Reserve--of course, I am first up for an Airport Standby at 5 a.m. tomorrow morning. Hopefully, The Voice will call before 1 a.m. (the latest allowed, and the most usual time The Call comes.)I'll keep you posted!
I was super-surprised to wake up this morning without getting The Call. It's just about noon and I'm still here. Well, alrighty then!
2 What's YOUR view? Click here to comment, please!
Write What's YOUR view? Click here to comment, please!I have reserve starting Saturday - being so anal not knowing what I'm doing frustrates me!
ReplyIt really is hard for people like us, Tony! But, I was surprised NOT to wake up to a phone call in the oh-dark-thirty darkness of morning! And here I sit, just waiting and kills me!