Happy Birthday to My Dad

January 06, 2008 1 Comments A+ a-

Happy Birthday to my Dad! From the one who put you on the fatherhood map!

Here's a picture of Dad when he was
a punk-ass sailor in 1958, in the Phillipines.

Here is Dad with his beloved wife, Dee-Dee, when they came to visit me on one of my layovers in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Here he is at the Hanging Tree Saloon in Brackens, TX.
(He is a biker in his other life! NOT!)

And here he is doing what he does every day when he is home. In fact, I'll bet this is exactly where he is right now, reading the Sunday paper.

I love you, Dad! Happy birthday!

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January 6, 2008 at 3:02 PM delete

Awwwwwwe! Happy b-day to Dad! (from his favorite kid! lol)
