Lazy girl?

July 23, 2008 6 Comments A+ a-

My cousin and her family are here visiting Washington, DC. Today they headed up to the fabulous Baltimore Aquarium today, and tonight, plan on seeing an Orioles game. On the way out the door, her husband said something that pissed me off.

He asked me if I was going to do anything today or go anywhere. I responded with, "I have no plans whatsoever to leave my house today." He said, "Oh, I see, you're just going to be lazy."

(insert steam blowing out of my ears here...)

Let's review: I've been out flying 5-6 days in a row for the past six weeks, meaning not being in my house at all. (Well, there is that brief period of time when I get to come home and get clean underwear...)

He has a "normal" job as a pharmacist. "Normal" people with their jobs get to come home every night. They can keep up with things around the house. Kiss their beloved. Pet the cats. Prune the roses. Cook dinner. Sleep in their own bed. Flight Attendants can't do this.

Look, I'm not complaining (well, maybe just a bit!) This is the profession I chose to be in. But, don't dog me because on my block of days off, I just want to stay in my house and be in my own place. I may spend all day sitting in front of this computer or go Tasmanian Devil out in the back yard and prune those roses or veg in front of the TV. (Gotta catch up on The Next Food Network Star!) It's my life, leave me alone and keep your opinion to yourself.

So, I have decided I am not pissed anymore. He is just blissfully unaware. Ignorant. And, will probably stay that way. And, that's okay. My lifestyle is not for everyone--and his is definitely not for me!

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July 23, 2008 at 1:44 PM delete

I understand people outside the family not getting our jobs, but for our own to say stupid shit just pisses me off too. Make his night and put some visine in his supper and serve it to him with a smile. Enjoy your much deserved time off pumpkin!

July 23, 2008 at 1:57 PM delete

Thank you, Baby! I'd do the Visine thing--but that would mean having to leave the house to buy some!

July 24, 2008 at 11:25 AM delete

Guuuuuuuuuuuuuurl, do you want me to fly up there & stick a combat boot up his A**??? I will ya know!!!

How dare he!!

July 24, 2008 at 1:37 PM delete

Surely, you're not going to "serve" supper to anyone!!! Girl, stand your ground. I hope you're loving your time off! Miss you!

July 25, 2008 at 11:11 AM delete

I am so glad I am not the only self induced agoraphobic on days off. Hell, I have a balcony, that is as close to humanity as I want to get the day after a trip. Sometimes I am feeling motivated and change out of my PJs on days off. Mostly not.

July 25, 2008 at 6:35 PM delete

My dear, dear Cousin,
Now you see what I have to live with (or without) when dealing with my sister and her husband. I am sure you have heard all the stories...and let me defend myself if any are about me! You've got to understand that they don't keep stuff up around the house. They don't cook. In other words, they are lazy without having your job. Just go stay with them a day and you'll see what I mean. LilBit
