The pre-inaugural day through my daughter's camera

January 20, 2009 2 Comments A+ a-

My daughter, Casey, is a coat checker at a couple of the Inaugural Balls at the Washington Convention Center. I stole her digital card and some of her photos. (Which, I believe, there is a "no camera" policy there...but, I would never tell on my kid!)

So, here are some pics...and some fun facts--39,500 expected inaugural ball attendees, 211 coat check staff, 852 coat racks, 35,000 hangers, 60 coat check stations.

This, as I understand it, is where the "White Ball" will be held. (I think they are color coded.)

Music equipment for

The sound check for Alicia Keyes.
Mariah Carey's sound check. Casey mentioned that Mariah's microphone stand is diamond encrusted. (I suspect it is cubic zirconia...ya think???) Mariah will be singing "Hero"...the video is bouncy because Casey recorded it surreptitiously... only because I begged for it for this blog. The things I do for you!!

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Mom in 2
January 20, 2009 at 9:19 PM delete

Gosh - I loved the soundcheck. Listened to the whole thing. Please thank Miss Fancypants for me.

January 23, 2009 at 7:17 AM delete

How cool was that?! I was watching the neighborhood ball and thinking, "Casey is there somewhere". Thanks for the behind the scene pics. I'm sure glad the secret service didn't sweep down on her while she was recording.
