
November 01, 2010 1 Comments A+ a-

I worked a turn to Orlando (MCO) yesterday on a 757.  The flight from Washington (IAD) to MCO was relatively quiet and quick.  You'd think the return flight would be the same, right?  Oh, noooooo-oo!  Apparently, we needed to have a little drama!

While we were boarding in MCO, a lady in 29F reclined her seat.  The man seated directly behind her in 30F was holding an infant.  Apparently, the seat hit/touched the baby, depending on whose side of the story you were on.  The man was so angered that he kicked and shook the lady's seat.

Jean, the Flight Attendant working in the back, came onto the situation after it occurred.  She settled everything down, and came up front to tell me, since I was working the Purser position.  By this time, the main cabin door was closed and all the doors were armed.  After telling the Captain what happened, he wanted to know if the man needed to be taken off the aircraft.  Jean assured him that the situation was diffused, and it was.

Mid-flight, the lady in 29F requested some aspirin.  When questioned a little further, the lady told Jean she had lost feeling in her left arm.  Jean called me to let me know, and I asked her to ask the lady if she had a cardiac history--I was worried she was having a heart attack.  Jean called me back to tell me the lady said she had no cardiac history, and refused medical attention (i.e. calling for a doctor or nurse onboard, oxygen, etc.) and wanted no emergency personnel at the gate when we landed in about 45
minutes.  She mentioned that she felt she had whiplash.  I had Jean call the cockpit and relay all this information to the Captain.  He informed us that he was going to have police meet the flight at IAD, to discuss the incident with the two parties involved.

(As an aside, there was no additional interaction between these two passengers during the flight.)

Imagine my surprise, as we pulled up to the gate, looking out the tiny window by my jumpseat, I saw an impressive array of emergency equipment: police, fire, and rescue vehicles and with blue and red lights flashing!

Police were waiting on the jetbridge, as well as Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs), when the Gate Agent opened the door.  Three police officers boarded to wait for the crowd to deplane.  After the passengers left the aircraft, EMTs checked the lady, while the police questioned the accused.

I stayed away from the circle of emergency help, but one of the police officers told me that there was nothing they could do.  The offense took place in Florida, and we were now in Virginia--their hands were tied.

Of course, with passengers and police both on the plane, none of us could leave until they were all off the aircraft.  The Captain, whose workweek was over when he arrived in ORD and was flying there on the same plane, managed to corral everyone together to get them off the plane.

With the Captain's leadership skills and corralling abilities, I do believe the next flight had an on-time departure!

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November 15, 2010 at 2:06 PM delete

I was on 6 flights between October 29th and November 4th and there was someone difficult on every single one of them. What is with people lately?
