Bucket list...check!

January 04, 2012 0 Comments A+ a-

It's been tough to find things to blog about.  Work-wise, not much has been going on. Flying for Reserves is pretty slim these days.  I flew one trip in August (Beijing), one trip in September (Spokane), and have had Standby every other time I was scheduled.  And, there's only so many times I can post a picture of those recliners in the Crew Lounge!

Norm and I were able to get away on a cruise in December.  I had one of the best days in my life when our ship stopped in St. Maarten.  We grabbed a cab, and rode all the way to the other side of the island to Maho Beach.  This beach is tres famous for plane-spotting...you may have seen the videos on YouTube-this is the airport where the planes are so close to people on the beach right before they land.

Finding a table in the shade at the Sunset Bar and Grill, we settled in.  With a pretty rum drink, eating a pizza, enjoying the sea breeze, listening to Air Traffic Control on special speakers and a live reggae band, while watching planes land with the one I love the most, it was the just the best day ever!

The menu--and the pizza was great!

The surfboard with all the scheduled arrivals.  This didn't include all the private jets.

We watched plane after plane land and take off.  Unfortunately, the heavys (wide bodies) landed after we had to be back on the ship, but,  I'll make a trek back there to see the big boys land one day.

It was nothing short of awesome!

Here are a couple of YouTube videos cool landings:


Air France

I know, I'm such a geek!

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My View One Year Ago:  He's Outta Here!

My View Two Years Ago:   Celebrity Alert! (Well, sort of...)

My View Three Years Ago:  Dancing Nina's All-Star Revue

My View Four Years Ago:   Important Flight Attendant Announcement!
