A little homesick tonight....

April 08, 2008 1 Comments A+ a-

Norm sent me pictures of my long-awaited spring flowers--you can't really see all the long, lovely pink tulips very well....but, of course, by the time I get home on May 1st, they will all be gone. My backyard flowers are also blooming and look beautiful, too. Looking at these pictures literally made me burst into tears! (I'm done now!)

He also sent me pictures of my kitty cats--but for some reason, Blogger is being a little finicky...and I can't post them!

Here at Stew School, all is well. We have started the technical part of our training, which includes eight days of intense, verbatim and hands-on training. Saturday, I "work" a flight to MHT, and we have Sunday off. Having Sunday off simply means it is the day we'll spend jockeying for a washer and dryer, while studying our commands. Maybe I'll get to sleep in on my day off--since our school days are starting around 4 a.m. Ugh!

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April 9, 2008 at 10:12 AM delete

Guuuuuuuurrrrrrllllll !! !! !!

Don't use city codes I don't know... I was excited for you thinking "MHT" was some exotic destination.. Only to find out, it wasn't... When you get a good trip, let me know ...My bags are already packed!!!!!

Love ya, -FlyAArmy-
