Look before you pee....

July 27, 2008 5 Comments A+ a-

I was working a flight from Denver to Washington last week on a 767...

I was in the Business Galley yakking with Cheryl who had been in my training class. A woman, perhaps in her early 30's, approached us, and tapped Cheryl on the shoulder and they turned away, huddled in secrecy. Cheryl, in her motherly way, appeared to comfort the woman, shaking her head up and down, telling her "no worries, it is okay." The woman walked away and sat down.

Cheryl then turned to me, with a fire in her eyes, and disbelief on her face. She motioned me to follow her, and I did. We walked over to the lav (bathroom) and Cheryl pushed the door open. On the floor was a puddle...no, more like a pond of liquid on the floor.

The woman told Cheryl that she went to the bathroom and did not notice that the lid to the toilet was down. (For the men, that means the woman is a hoverer--not a sitter!) She peed all over the top of the toilet seat. And, apparently she had quite a bit of liquid to drink prior to this--she peed a lot!! The floor was covered in a sea of pee!

Cheryl was pissed! (Well, you know what I mean!) She wondered how a "grown-ass woman" could not see the lid was down. Then she fussed about "who's gonna clean that mess up?"

She closed the door, rolling her eyes, and looked to me. I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard--at the situation and Cheryl's indignation! I reached over and locked the door to the lav--so no one would have to wade in that woman's pee on the floor.

There's a lesson in here--I'm just not sure what it is...look before you pee? Don't drink a lot before getting on an airplane? Nope--I know what it is: never, ever walk into an airplane lavatory without your shoes on! That isn't water on the floor!!!

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July 27, 2008 at 5:57 PM delete

BLESS that Grown Assed Woman's Heart!!

PS: Grossssssssss

July 29, 2008 at 5:16 AM delete

Aaaaah! Thanks for the reminder not to walk to the toilet in my socks on the plane! :)

July 29, 2008 at 10:22 PM delete

Ewwww! I was LMAO cause I would have done the same thing...lav out of service.

I wish I could have been there to see both of your reactions!

July 29, 2008 at 10:43 PM delete

That's nuts!
As I read it my first thought was that some man had peed all over the place. It never crossed my mind
that a human being (female) could hover over a seat and not know it was not uncovered. That is from the
deepest depths of stupidity...and that woman should have been forced to clean it up on her hands and knees.
With a .38 to her head if she hesitated even a little bit.

On the other hand, she had guts enough to come tell you....

July 31, 2008 at 3:30 PM delete

You've got to be kidding me?! I'm with anon - the woman should have totally been made to clean it up herself! I mean really...I certainly hope that Cheryl did not have to clean it up.
