Planning the Little Prince's visit....

August 08, 2008 2 Comments A+ a-

The Most Amazing Child on the Planet is coming to visit his Mimi for a few days later this month! I will return him to his mother spoiled rotten, I promise!!

"Dadre" (she calls me Madre, I call her Dadre...) Jennifer plans on a Yankees game while here (they'll be playing the Orioles at Baltimore.) And, when his Daddy returns from Baghdad, all three of them plan on seeing a Yankees game in New York. (I don't get the Yankee obsession they have--baseball games are watched out in the hot sun! That ruled me out of any love of the game right there!)

The Handsome Prince II* eating ice cream.

What is summer without watermelon???

So, I am thinking of things to do with him (definitely not doing all of these!)--the Baltimore Aquarium, the National Zoo, Great Waves (a small water park), the butterfly exhibition at Smithsonian Museum of Natural History...and, then there's the Lego Store at Tyson's Corner Mall (definitely doing the Lego Store) much to pick from here in you have a favorite kid activity?

In the meantime, I am off to Frankfurt this evening. Back Sunday night.

Hope you have a great weekend!

*My son Chase is Handsome Prince I...

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August 8, 2008 at 1:24 PM delete

I love the Lego store at Tyson's... I can't imagine how much I would have loved it as a kid...

August 8, 2008 at 1:55 PM delete

I didn't even know it existed until today, Justine!! I was just googling stuff...I know Brendyn will love it!
