
May 26, 2010 1 Comments A+ a-

Reporting live from 36,000 feet today! I'm flying on American Airlines, which has Go-go Inflight Wifi.

You may be aware that AA Flight Attendants are in contentious contract negotiations, and that they have overwhelmingly voted to strike: with 90% of the Flight Attendants voting, 96.8% of them have voted to strike. The made big concessions a few years ago, with promises of getting those concessions returned--which has been an empty promise.

I strongly support my colleagues at AA...but, I have to tell you...I was a bit surprised to hear this announcement on today's flight. After explaining the beverage service and the snacks available for purchase, one of the three Flight Attendants said, "...we accept credit cards--we no longer accept cash, unless it is in the form of a tip and is divisible by three..."

Alrighty then....


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May 26, 2010 at 4:47 PM delete

Reason #123 why I refuse to fly AA
