Two day trip...

May 28, 2010 1 Comments A+ a-

The Voice called me last night around 9:30 to give me a trip: a 0530 check-in and work one leg to San Francisco (SFO) -- layover for 13 hours -- and work the leg back to Washington tonight at 11:20 pm arriving home at 7:40 Saturday morning.

I'm in my hotel room now, where the clock on the nightstand says it's 11 in the morning, My Eastern-time-zone body clock tells me that it's early afternoon. I need to get to sleep so I can get back up tonight and work the redeye.

My internal clock is screwed for the next couple of days....


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May 28, 2010 at 5:07 PM delete

Haha! "The Voice" - think that's best name for crewing i've heard in a long time!
