Just drop my wings into the mail already!!

April 30, 2008 4 Comments A+ a-

A very quick update:

We did our official "get signed off on the legal FAA stuff" flight yesterday and it was a very good day for me and my two classmates--we passed it all easily, and had a lot of fun doing it.

Today we had the day off--and slept in. Later, I took my roomies to the mall and dropped them off, ran a couple of errands, then came back and packed my car up for my trip home on Thursday afternoon.

Tomorrow, we tour the place where the Crew Schedulers work, then meet with the Union reps and have our graduation rehearsal. One of my roomies' father and brother are flying in from California, so we plan on going to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner--then to Freddie's across the street for a few drinks. On Thursday, we have graduation in the morning, then do some Human Resources stuff in the afternoon, then we are done.

Enough already! We are ready to go home! I don't need the ceremony--I just want my life back!! Drop my wings into the mail, so I can go home!

I keed, I keed!

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April 30, 2008 at 8:25 AM delete

Congratulations for surviving F/A-bootcamp! :-) hope to see you soon over here in good old europe, how about Hamburg, Munich, Rome or Barcelona?
greetings from Austria,

PS: When finishing my groundcourse my wings were sent by mail. they had to because they ran out of wings for ladies...:-)

April 30, 2008 at 11:53 AM delete

Thanks, Claudia! Good ol' Europe sounds great about now!! I'm looking forward to getting to Austria and Germany and the Czech Republic--haven't been there yet. Oh, wait--also gotta get back to Rome, Paris, London...

One day, we just MUST have lunch and drinks together!!

April 30, 2008 at 12:03 PM delete

I'll be so glad when you get your life back, too! That'll mean you'll be back in my life, too! Congrats on your new job!!! Love you! (and miss you!)

April 30, 2008 at 12:18 PM delete

Make sure you bring some candies or cookies for Screw Scheduling, a little brown nosing with them never hurts. BTW Congrats! I know you can't wait to get the hell out of there and get your life back.
