Flying Mum Brings the Troops Home!

April 18, 2009 1 Comments A+ a-

I finally had a chance to catch up on reading some of my favorite blogs--and just finished Flying Mum's story of working a military charter. As a Navy brat, her posts about bringing some of our troops back home from the Middle East choked me up a bit. Written in three parts, I hope you'll find time to read it.

Military Charter Part 1
Military Charter Part 2
Military Charter Part 3


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flying mum
June 8, 2009 at 4:03 PM delete

Thanks Blondie for posting this. I had such an amazing time on this trip and was kicking myself for waiting so long to write the posts. Will never forget it.

Now when I see or have servicemen/women on my flts I always thank them for their service.
